The 1996 Racial and Ethnic Targeted Test (RAETT) was a "mail-out mail-back"
household survey with an experimental design of eight alternative question
naire formats containing systematic variations in race, instructions, quest
ion order, and other aspects of the measurement. The eight different questi
onnaires were administered to random subsamples of six "targeted" populatio
ns: geographic areas with ethnic concentrations of whites, blacks, American
Indians, Alaskan natives, Asian and Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics. The
major conclusion is that allowing multiple responses to the "race" question
in the 2000 census (and other variations in measurement that were consider
ed in RAETT) had only a slight impact on the measured racial composition of
the population. Another finding was a dramatic reduction in nonresponse to
the combined race/Hispanic-origin question relative to all other questionn
aire formats. We conclude that the concept of "origins" may be closer to th
e popular understanding of American diversity than is the antiquated concep
t of race.