The electromagnetic proton cyclotron instability is driven by a proton temp
erature anisotropy T-perpendicular to p/T-parallel to p > 1 where the direc
tional subscripts denote directions relative to the background magnetic fie
ld. Enhanced field fluctuations from instability growth lead to wave-partic
le scattering which reduces the anisotropy; previous research has demonstra
ted that the anisotropy is constrained by a power-law function of beta(para
llel to p). Here two-dimensional hybrid simulations in a homogeneous, magne
tized, collisionless plasma are used to derive a scaling relation for the m
aximum scattering rate of proton anisotropy reduction. The result is a func
tion only of the anisotropy and beta(parallel to p) and so is appropriate f
or use in fluid models of anisotropic plasmas such as the magnetosheath.