Quality of life and achievements are impaired by unrecognised iron deficien
cy. The iron requirement of women during their child-bearing age is high an
d increases in pregnancy. The aim of this study was to determine the preval
ence and risk factors for iron deficiency in young mothers under contempora
ry German life conditions. Between September 1997 and August 1998 the iron
status of 507 mothers of one-year old children was assessed. The data was d
erived from venous blood and questionnaires. Besides conventional methods,
the concentration of soluble transferrin receptor was used as leading indic
ator of iron status. 9.5% had cellular iron deficiency and 2.2% of all moth
ers had iron deficiency anemia. In addition to absence of school education
non-German nationality, a high number of children and vegetarian food are r
isk factors for iron deficiency. In contrast, high alcohol intake and cigar
ette smoking are associated with a better iron status. Children of mothers
with insufficient iron supply are also at higher risk of iron deficiency.