The authors present a navel method for developing reconfigurable systems ta
rgeted at embedded system applications. The paper shows how an existing obj
ect oriented design method (MOOSE) has been adapted to include reconfigurab
le hardware (FPGAs). Previous research an reconfigurable computing has conc
entrated on the efficient mapping of algorithms to FPGAs. It must be realis
ed that reconfigurable hardware usually forms part of much larger embedded
systems, which include other hardware components, memories, and processors
executing significant software tasks. The work represents a significant adv
ance over current embedded system design methods in that it integrates the
use of reconfigurable hardware components with a systematic design method f
or complete systems including both hardware and software. The development t
echniques are illustrated by a practical example. Although the enhanced met
hodology is applicable to some reconfigurable computing systems, further wo
rk is planned to extend our design technique to exploit the potential benef
its of embedded systems which can be dynamically reconfigured at system fun
-time, The final objective is to produce an abject oriented design methodol
ogy where system objects can be seamlessly implemented in either software o
r reconfigurable hardware.