A method is described for estimating telephone handset nonlinearity by matc
hing the spectral magnitude of the distorted signal to the output of a nonl
inear channel model, driven by an undistorted reference. This "magnitude-on
ly" representation allows the model to directly match unwanted speech forma
nts that arise over nonlinear channels and that are a potential source of d
egradation in speaker and speech recognition algorithms. As such, the metho
d is particularly suited to algorithms that use only spectral magnitude inf
ormation. The distortion model consists of a memoryless nonlinearity sandwi
ched between two finite-length linear filters. Nonlinearities considered in
clude arbitrary finite-order polynomials and parametric sigmoidal functiona
ls derived from a carbon-button handset model. Minimization of a mean-squar
ed spectral magnitude distance with respect to model parameters relies on i
terative estimation via a gradient descent technique. Initial work has demo
nstrated the importance of addressing handset nonlinearity, in addition to
linear distortion, in speaker recognition over telephone channels. A nonlin
ear handset "mapping," applied to training or testing data to reduce mismat
ch between different types of handset microphone outputs, improves speaker
verification performance relative to linear compensation only. Finally, a m
ethod is proposed to merge the mapper strategy with a method of likelihood
score normalization (hnorm) for further mismatch reduction and speaker veri
fication performance improvement.