PROBLEM: Trophectoderm of ruminant conceptuses (embryo and associated
membranes) secretes tan interferons (IFN tau) as the pregnancy recogni
tion signal. How does it act? METHOD: Review of current data. RESULTS:
IFNt acts on uterine epithelium to suppress transcription of the gene
s for estrogen receptor and oxytocin receptor. This blocks development
of the uterine luteolytic mechanism and, therefore, release of luteol
ytic pulses of prostaglandin F-2 alpha, but it has no effect on expres
sion of the progesterone receptor. Maintenance of progesterone secreti
on by the corpus luteum ensures establishment and maintenance of pregn
ancy. Secretion of IFN tau on days 12-15 for sheep and days 14-17 for
cows and goats is essential for pregnancy recognition. CONCLUSION: We
propose that IFN tau affects endometrial gene expression by activating
the Jak/Stat pathway, which results in formation of the ISGF3 alpha t
ranscription factor complex, ISGF3 alpha binds to interferon-stimulate
d response elements and activates transcription of interferon-responsi
ve genes such as interferon regulatory factor-1 (IRF-1) which, in turn
, activates expression of the negative-acting transcription factor IRF
-2. Pregnancy (or intrauterine injection of roIFN tau) results in a tr
ansient increase in endometrial IRF-1 expression followed 36-48 hr lat
er by a sustained increase in IRF-2. We propose that IRF-2, or an IFN
tau-induced negative regulatory factor Like IRF-2, suppresses expressi
on of the estrogen receptor gene and directly or indirectly blocks exp
ression of the gene for oxytocin receptor to abrogate the uterine lute
olytic mechanism and ensure the establishment of pregnancy.