A real-time encoding and decoding system (REDS) for HDTV that can be used f
or nonlinear HDTV editing in studio has been developed. The intrapicture co
ding of motion JPEG is implemented and optimized in the REDS so that a high
-quality image can be recovered for the nonlinear editing. The REDS has a p
arallel architecture with multiple programmable digital signal processors (
DSP) and reconfigurable field programmable logic devices (FPLD). The HDTV I
mage is spatially partitioned and concurrently processed by the multiple pr
ocessors. The programmable DSPs perform the discrete cosine transform and q
uantization to reduce the spatial redundancy of the HDTV image, whereas the
FPLDs perform the variable length coding to reduce the statistical redunda
ncy. In addition, field-based quantization matrices are developed for HDTV
images. The REDS has the programmability and the random accessibility of im
age frames, the two most Important features for a nonlinear HDTV editing sy
stem. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.