The display of peptide segments on the surface of bacteria offers many new
and exciting applications in biotechnology and medical research. Fimbria-as
sisted display of heterologous sequences is a paradigm for chimeric organel
le display on bacteria. Fimbriac are particularly attractive candidates for
epitope display for several reasons: (1) they are present in extremely hig
h numbers at the cell surface, (2) they are strong immunogens, (3) they pos
sess inherent adhesive properties, and (4) they can be easily purified. The
majority of work dealing with fimbria-assisted peptide display has been fo
cused on the development of recombinant vaccines. A number of different fim
brial types have been used to display immune-relevant sectors of various fo
reign proteins. Chimeric fimbrial vaccines can be used in the context of pu
rified proteins, however the potential also exists to exploit this technolo
gy for the development of live recombinant vaccines. Work has also bern per
formed demonstrating the amenability of fimbriae towards the powerful techn
ology of random peptide display. This review summarises the current state o
f research in this field.