Legionella pneumophila is a bacterial pathogen that resides and multiplies
in macrophages as well as in its natural aquatic hosts, the protozoa. Diffe
rent bacterial factors contribute to pathogenicity and accompanying eukaryo
tic intracellular events. Sequencing of mie flanking regions revealed a gen
e of 2610 bp, ligA, that has no significant similarity to any of the genes
identified previously Epidemiological studies indicate that this gene is pr
esent in Legionella pneumophila, the species most often associated with cas
es of the Legionnaires' disease, but not in Legionella species other than L
.pneumophila. The isogenic ligA deletion mutant was resistant to NaCl, and
showed decreased cytotoxicity to human monocytes and decreased hemolytic ac
tivity to red blood cells. How-ever, the most prominent effect of the L. pn
eumophila ligA mutant strain LEPF1 was the nearly completely reduced replic
ation within the natural host Acanthamoeba castellanii. Since this gene is
L. pneumophila specific and regulates numerous bacterial properties we desi
gnated this gene ligA for Legionella pneumophila infectivity gene A.