In the past few years, we have established a unique high-resolution photoio
nization-photoelectron facility at the Chemical Dynamics Beamline of the Ad
vanced Light Source. By combining a 6.65-m off-plane Eagle mounted scanning
monochromator with the undulator synchrotron radiation source, we have dem
onstrated photon energy resolving powers up to E/Delta E = 72,000-100,000 i
n the photon energy range of 6-27 eV. We have also developed novel synchrot
ron-based pulsed field ionization photoelectron (PFI-PE) detection schemes,
achieving resolutions of 1-6 cm(-1) (FWHM). Using the specially designed p
hotoelectron-photoion apparatus, which features a supersonic molecular beam
source and opposing electron and ion time-of-flight spectrometers, we have
recently succeeded in performing synchrotron-based PFI-PE photoion coincid
ence experiments, attaining resolutions limited only by the PFI-PE measurem
ents. Most recently, we have demonstrated a generally applicable synchrotro
n-based scheme for PF1-photoion measurements. The PFI-PEPICO and PFI-PI met
hods are expected to have a significant impact in future reaction dynamics
studies involving the preparation of rovibronically state-selected reactant
ions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.