Each ferromagnetic state, such as the single-domain (SD) state, has critica
l fields and grain sized at which it becomes unstable. To determine the pro
perties of these critical points, a three-dimensional numerical micromagnet
ic model is combined with nucleation theory. Isothermal hysteresis and grai
n growth are simulated for cuboids with no internal stress or magnetocrysta
lline anisotropy. Most jumps in hysteresis loops are turning points at whic
h the susceptibility goes to infinity. The SD state becomes unstable at a p
itchfork bifurcation, which has a jump in susceptibility but a continuous c
hange in magnetic moment. This is a generalization of curling mode nucleati
on. As the grain size increases, there is an increasing gap in field betwee
n the curling mode nucleation and the first irreversible jump in magnetizat
ion. A similar gap is often seen experimentally between the formation of a
small spike domain and the appearance of a full size body domain. For the f
irst time in a micromagnetic simulation, minor branches are traced from the
main hysteresis loop. When they occur, the main loop becomes wasp waisted.
At any given grain size the lowest-energy state has SD-like stability in r
esponse to changes in magnetic field. A high-stability component of remanen
ce is commonly observed in pseudo-single-domain grains. It has previously b
een assumed that the high stability must be due to SD-like regions in large
r grains, but the micromagnetic simulations demonstrate that SD-like stabil
ity does not require a SD-like mechanism.