Degenerative joint disease affects cartilage in joints. Primary clinical si
gns are joint pain, altered gait, limited range of motion of the affected j
oint. Degenerative joint disease has primary and secondary etiologies. Rese
arch was carried out on 25 dogs suspected of having degenerative joint dise
ase due to primary lesions, and arthroscopy examinations of 21 knee, 3 shou
lder and 1 elbow joints were performed. The examinations were carried out u
sing arthroscopy, which allows direct observation of joint lesions. The fol
lowing pathological changes were noted: osteophyte development, erosion and
degeneration of articular cartilage, patellar chondromalacia, joint mice,
Arthroscopy is a useful aid in the diagnosis and assessment of degenerative
changes, and can be helpful in prognosing and evaluating the dynamic devel
opment of this disease.