Neuroethological experiments often require video images of animal behavior
and recordings of physiological data to be acquired simultaneously, synchro
nized with each other, stored, and analyzed together. The use of inexpensiv
e multimedia computers offers new possibilities for mixing video images, an
alog voltages, and computer data, storing these combined signals to videota
pe, and extracting quantitative data for analysis. In this paper, we summar
ize methods for mixing images from multiple video cameras and a Macintosh c
omputer display to facilitate manipulation of data generated during our neu
rophysiological and behavioral research. These technologies enhance accurac
y, speed, and flexibility during experiments, and facilitate selecting and
extracting quantitative data from the videotape for further analysis. Three
applications are presented: (A) we used an analog video mixer to synchroni
ze neurophysiological recordings with ongoing behaviors of freely moving ra
ts; (B) we used a chroma keyed digital overlay to generate positional data
for the rat's face during drinking behavior; and (C) we combined a computer
model of a rat's head and whiskers with videos of exploratory behaviors to
better track and quantify movements in three dimensions. Although the appl
ications described here are specific to our neuroethological work, these me
thods will be useful to anyone wishing to combine the signals from multiple
video sources into a single image or to extract series of positional or mo
vement data from video frames without frame grabbing. (C) 2000 Academic Pre