Mucins, the major component of mucus, contain tandemly repeated sequences t
hat differ from one mucin to another. Considerable advances have been made
in recent years in our knowledge of mucin genes. The availability of the co
mplete genomic and cDNA sequences of MUC5B, one of the four human mucin gen
es clustered on chromosome 11, provides an exemplary model for studying the
molecular evolution of large mucins. The emerging picture is one of expans
ion of mucin genes by gene duplications, followed by internal repeat expans
ion that strictly preserves frameshift. Computational and phylogenetic anal
yses have permitted the proposal of an evolutionary history of the four hum
an mucin genes located on chromosome 11 from an ancestor gene common to the
human von Willebrand factor gene and the suggestion of a model for the evo
lution of the repeat coding portion of the MUC5B gene from a hypothetical a
ncestral minigene. The characterization of MUC5B, a member of the large sec
reted gel-forming mucin family, offers a new model for the comparative stud
y of the structure-function relationship within this important family.