The standard analysis for rotating magnetic field (RMF) current production
in simple fixed density plasma columns is extended to include the critical
interaction between the RMF drive and an elongated field reversed configura
tion (FRC) equilibrium inside a Aux conserver. The standard analysis involv
es penetration of the RMF into a highly conducting plasma through productio
n of synchronous rotation of the electron fluid due to Hall terms in Ohm's
law. In the present article the RMF analysis is combined with two dimension
al equilibrium constraints, which have a defining role in governing the RMF
penetration. Very simple analytic models are developed, based on instantan
eous RMF penetration into an edge layer, that illuminate the basic paramete
rs necessary for current drive and flux buildup or sustainment to be succes
sful. The model does not account for time dependent RMF penetration or tran
sport consistent density profiles, but it clearly points out the basic cond
itions that must be satisfied, and how they scale, for RMF sustainment of F
RCs to be effective.