Undernutrition and infection are the major causes of morbidity and mortalit
y in the developing world. These two problems are interrelated. Undernutrit
ion compromises barrier function, allowing easier access by pathogens, and
compromises immune function, decreasing the ability of the host to eliminat
e pathogens once they enter the body. Thus, malnutrition predisposes to inf
ections. Infections can alter nutritional status mediated by changes in die
tary intake, absorption and nutrient requirements and losses of endogenous
nutrients. Thus, the presence of infections can contribute to the malnouris
hed state. The global burden of malnutrition and infectious disease is imme
nse, especially amongst children. Childhood infections impair growth and de
velopment. There is a role for breast-feeding in protection against infecti
ons. Key nutrients required for an efficient immune response include vitami
n A, Fe, Zn and Cu. There is some evidence that provision of the first thre
e of these nutrients does improve immune function in undernourished childre
n and can reduce the morbidity and mortality of some infectious diseases in
cluding measles, diarrhoeal disease and upper and lower respiratory tract i
nfections. Not all studies, however, show benefit of single nutrient supple
mentation and this might be because the subjects studied have multiple nutr
ient deficiencies. The situation regarding Fe supplementation is particular
ly complex. In addition to immunization programmes and improvement of nutri
ent status, there are important roles for maternal education, improved hygi
ene and sanitation and increased supply of quality water in the eradication
of infectious diseases.