A 2-year-old boy who developed hypophosphatemic rickets without signs of mu
scular weakness or neurological disturbances is presented. Biochemical find
ings included hypophosphatemia, metabolic acidosis, hypouricemia, hyperphos
phaturia, severe glucosuria, generalized hyperaminoaciduria, hypercalciuria
, proteinuria with elevated excretion of IgG, transferrin, albumin and high
levels of cr-l-microglobulin, Urine concentration capacity and creatinine
clearance were normal. Lactaturia without elevated levels of plasma lactate
and a high urinary excretion of P-hydroxybutyrate were suggestive for mito
chondriopathy. Partial deficiency of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV of th
e respiratory chain) was found in skeletal muscle. A renal biopsy specimen
demonstrated enlarged mitochondria with abnormal arborization and disorient
ation of the cristae in the proximal tubular cells. Reduced activity of mit
ochondrial cytochrome c oxidase in tubular cells could be demonstrated by u
ltracytochemistry. In conclusion, rickets due to the renal Fanconi syndrome
can be the first clinical sign of mitochondrial cytopathies without extrar
enal symptoms. Elevated excretion of lactate and ketone bodies in urine may
serve as a diagnostic marker.