X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was used to investigate the local atomi
c structure around Cu atoms in CuxCd1-xTe thin films, for x = 10 and 15 at.
% nominal Cu concentrations. X-ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES) rev
eal a Cu local electronic structure different from that encountered in Cu m
etal. X-ray diffraction measurements have shown the presence of a single zi
ncblende phase even for 15 at.% nominal Cu concentration. However, X-ray ab
sorption fine structure (XAFS) spectra show Cu-Cu distances characteristic
of Cu metal clusters, and Cu-Te distances significantly shorter than the Cd
Te nearest neighbor distance. These results imply the occurrence of microsc
opic phase separation in this material, and significant lattice distortions
around the Cu incorporated in the CdTe matrix.