Branching fractions were measured for electric-dipole transitions from the
5p upper levels to the 5s levels in neutral krypton atoms. The measurements
were made with a wall-stabilized electric are and a 2-m monochromator for
the spectral lines in the visible, and with a hollow cathode lamp and the N
IST 2-m Fourier-transform spectrometer for the lines in the near infrared.
A semiempirical calculation, based on accurately known lifetimes for six up
per levels, was used to calculate lifetimes for which accurate measurements
do not exist. This resulted in a complete set of lifetimes for all 5p leve
ls. Branching fractions and lifetimes were used to calculate transition rat
es for the 5p-5s transitions. The relative uncertainties of the transition
rates range from less than 1% for the strongest lines to about 10% for the
weakest lines. Our data also reveal that most of the previous measurements
appear to have been affected by opacity effects in the light sources.