The high spin states in the N=82 odd-A Pm-143 have been investigated by in-
beam gamma-spectroscopic techniques following the reactions Ba-135(B-11,3n)
Pm-143 at E=47 MeV and Cs-133(C-13,3n)Pm-143 at E=63 MeV, respectively, usi
ng a gamma detector array, consisting of 12 Compton-supressed high purity g
ermanium detectors and a multiplicity ball of 14 bismuth germanate elements
. 28 new gamma rays have been assigned to Pm-143 on the basis of the gamma-
ray singles and gamma- gamma coincidence data. The level scheme of Pm-143 h
as been extended up to an excitation energy of 8.4 MeV and spin 47/2 (h) ov
er bar and 24 new levels have been proposed. Spin-parity assignments for mo
st of the newly proposed levels have been made using the measured direction
al correlation orientation ratios for strong transitions. The observed leve
l structure is discussed in the light of available experimental data and a
modest shell model calculation done by us, using the OXBASH code.