We derived simple analytical relations representing trends of discordant fe
tal growth in monochorionic twins developing the twin-twin transfusion synd
rome from an approximation of previously developed model equations. In seve
re twin-twin transfusion syndrome cases, the difference between the estimat
ed fetal weights of both twins increases proportional to (t- 5)(5) (t denot
es gestational age in weeks) and the sum of both weights increases proporti
onal to t(3). Hence, the ratio between the difference of estimated fetal we
ights and the average of the two weights (difference average ratio) increas
es in proportion to (t - 5)(5)/t(3). I, mild cases, the difference between
estimated fetal weights as well as the sum of the two weights increases pro
portional to t3. Therefore, the difference average ratio becomes a constant
. Comparison with clinical data of severe and mild cases showed surprisingl
y good agreement except after laser coagulation of placental anastomoses. T
hese relations may therefore enable us to distinguish between severe and mi
ld developing twin-twin transfusion syndrome cases.