This paper presents a novel method for designing Totally Self-Checking (TSC
) m-out-of-n code checkers taking into account a realistic fault model incl
uding stuck-at, transistor stuck-on, transistor stuck-open, resistive bridg
ing faults and breaks. The proposed design method is the first method in th
e open literature that takes into account a realistic fault model and can b
e applied for most practical values of m and nl Apart from the above the pr
oposed checkers are very compact and very fast. The single output checkers
are near optimal with respect to the number of transistors required for the
ir implementation. Another benefit of the proposed TSC checkers is that all
faults are tested by a very small set of single pattern tests, thus the pr
obability of achieving the TSC goal is greater than in checkers requiring t
wo-pattern tests. The single output TSC checkers proposed in this paper are
the first known single output TSC checkers for m-out-of-n codes.