The recent availability of commercial electronic nose instruments for odour
detection may offer a rapid and relatively simple technique for monitoring
wastewater odours. Results have been reported that for sewage odours from
a single source a robust relationship can be found between the responses pa
tterns of a sensor array (consisting of 12 conducting polymers) and their a
ssociated sewage odour concentrations. However, the initial application of
this technology in the field of sewage treatment may not be for detecting n
uisance odours but for wastewater monitoring and/or process control of a tr
eatment works. A comparison between the odour profiles of sewage liquids an
d corresponding BOD, GOD, TOC measurements has demonstrated the ability of
a non-specific sensor array to detect changes in the organic content of a w
astewater sample. Statistical analysis of the sensor response patterns with
BOD value (for sewage samples from the inlet works, settlement tanks and t
he final effluent outlet) over a B-month period, showed that for longer tim
e periods the relationship between these parameters was essentially non-lin
ear, but that over shorter time periods a linear relationship was evident.
The findings showed that a number of different wastewater quality relations
hips could be formulated from the same electronic nose analysis of a sewage
liquid. This suggests that the organic content of a wastewater, as well th
e potential of a wastewater to produce nuisance odours, could be predicted
from a single headspace analysis of a sewage liquid using a sensor array.