Aims. Animal studies have shown that nicotine releases dopamine, a neurotra
nsmitter implicated in drug reinforcement. We hypothesized that bromocripti
ne would decrease smoking behavior in humans. Design. The study was conduct
ed double blind and subjects' order of dose exposure was randomized. Partic
ipants. The smoking behavior of 20 heavy smokers was recorded for 5 hours a
fter ingesting placebo or one of two doses of bromocriptine (2.50 mg, 3.75
mg) over three sessions (one dose per session). Findings. There was a signi
ficant negative linear trend by dosage indicating shorter total puffing tim
e with increasing bromocriptine dosages (p < 0.02). Other significant negat
ive linear trends by increasing dosage include fewer number of puffs, fewer
number of cigarettes smoked and mean latency to smoke after 3 hours (expec
ted C-MAX on the drug (all ps < 0.05). There was a negative significant lin
ear trend showing decreased plasma nicotine (p < 0.02) and cotinine (p < 0.
005) with increasing dosages of bromocriptine. Shiffman/Jarvik Withdrawal S
cale (SJWS) cigarette craving subscale scores decreased significantly acros
s increasing dosages (linear trend p < 0.02). There was a significant negat
ive linear trend (p < 0.05) on the Profile of Mood States (POMS) Vigor and
Depression subscales, with subjects reporting decreased vigor and depressio
n with increasing bromocriptine doses. No other mood effects were observed.
Conclusion. These results support the hypothesis that dopaminergic mechani
sms mediate cigarette smoking reinforcement.