Each year, a number of children and adolescents die suddenly from cardiac p
roblems that are associated with a small subgroup of disorders and high-ris
k behaviors. While sudden cardiac death in any child or adolescent is distr
essing, it can be particularly devastating when it occurs in a seemingly he
althy young athlete, Although uncommon in competitive sports, sudden death
is a catastrophe that physicians who care for athletes should attempt to pr
event. To prevent the occurrence of sudden death or cardiovascular disease
progression in young athletes, the American Academy of Family Physicians, A
merican Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Cardiology, American Col
lege of Sports Medicine, American Heart Association, American Medical Socie
ty for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine an
d American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine have developed or endorse
d recommendations for cardiovascular screening of student athletes as part
of a comprehensive sports preparticipation physical evaluation (PPE). Knowl
edge and understanding of these recommendations can help physicians make in
formed decisions about the eligibility of an athlete to participate in a pa
rticular sport and encourage development of a more uniform PPE screening pr