The energy spectrum of a particle confined within a circle in the presence
of an external magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of confinement is
studied both exactly and approximately by the quasiclassical formalism (Wen
tzel-Kramers-Brillouin). For pure spatial confinement (without magnetic fie
ld) the energy spectrum for states other than the ground state is twofold d
egenerate, while in the case of pure magnetic confinement the spectrum show
s the infinite-fold degeneration, typical of Landau states. For both types
of confinement, the latter infinite-fold degeneration is lifted due to spat
ial confinement. Interestingly enough, for a given ratio between spatial an
d magnetic confining lengths, the magnetic flux is quantized. The condition
s for the quantization of the flux are established; the nature and peculiar
ity of the energy spectrum are also discussed. (C) 2000 American Associatio
n of Physics Teachers.