Objective: To study the angiogenic process in intraductal carcinoma of the
breast, with and without a small focus of stromal infiltration, and to comp
are the microvessel density between the in situ phase and the early infiltr
ation phases of breast cancer.
STUDY DESIGN: Microvessel density (number of microvesssels per square milli
meter of neoplasia) was quantitatively evaluated on anti-factor VIII-immuno
stained histologic sections obtained from 10 ductal carcinomas in situ (DCI
S) (category B), 10 microinvasive carcinomas (category C), 12 T1a carcinoma
s (category D) and 20 T1b carcinomas (category E).
RESULTS: The five categories of lesion had different values for microvessel
s density (P = .0017). Category A had microvessel density lower than catego
ry B (P = .0005). Category B had microvessel density higher than categories
C, D and E (P = .0028, .0133 and .0033, respectively).
CONCLUSION: Microvessel density seems to be a feature related to each cruci
al step in the early phases of neoplastic progression.