A simple and accurate method for measuring the front facet modal reflectivi
ty of a Fabry-Perot laser diode is presented. In this method, optical feedb
ack from an external mirror of known reflectivity, R-ext, is used to alter
the laser diode threshold current. The effect of the external mirror and fr
ont facet reflectivities on the threshold current then allows for a measure
ment of the front facet modal reflectivity of the laser diode and is theore
tically and experimentally studied. This method was used to measure a facet
reflectivity of R-2 = 0.0151(+0.0018/-0.0032) [R-2 = 0.00592(+0.00085/-0.0
0123)] for a commercially antireflection-coated facet of a laser diode with
a center wavelength of 795 nm (935 nm). The results of the reflectivity me
asurements based on the threshold current as a function of the external mir
ror reflectivity are compared with the results of the reflectivity measurem
ents based on modulation depth of the optical spectrum [IEEE J. Quantum Ele
ctron. QE-19, 493 (1983)]. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes:
140.2020, 120.5700, 130.5990.