A "Laboratory of Quantitative Methods in Monument Research" is being built
at the CTU Prague. Its primary orientation is the investigation of historic
architecture, although other objects of art can also be investigated. In t
he first phase, two radiation methods are being established, but it is set
up in such a way, that various other methods can readily be added in its fu
ture development. The radiation methods chosen for the initial development
of the laboratory are: thermoluminescence dating and X-ray fluorescence ana
lysis. The design of the automated TL-reader, built in our laboratories, is
adjusted for the purpose of dating of historic brick architecture (which,
of course, does not exclude applications for ceramics and other materials).
The investigation of renaissance architecture in southern Bohemia and Mora
via is under preparation as the first large campaign of this kind in the Cz
ech Republic. Radionuclide X-ray fluorescence analysis has been chosen as t
he basic analytical method in the laboratory. The possibility of analyses o
f paintings and fired building materials (bricks, roof tiles) have been inv
estigated. The first results in both the areas are very promising. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.