During 1999, northern Italy has been affected by an epidemic of low pathoge
nicity avian influenza (LPAI) caused by a virus of the H7N1 subtype. Due to
the characteristics of the poultry industry in the area and to the absence
of specific legislative tools to eradicate infection, the virus continued
to circulate for several months until a highly pathogenic virus of the same
subtype emerged. The highly pathogenic virus had caused death, at the time
of writing, of over 13 million birds in 3 months. The consequences of the
highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemic appear to be devastating
for the poultry industry and the social community.
Several conditions generated the current situation, including the high dens
ity of susceptible animals and the structure of the poultry industry in the
infected area. In addition, the circulation of LPAI virus for a number of
months inevitably delayed the prompt identification of HPAI and complicated
the interpretation of diagnostic results. A reconsideration of current Eur
opean legislation and a reorganization of the poultry industry are suggeste
d to prevent the occurrence of similar situations in countries of the Europ
ean Union.