Thalidomide has significant immunomodulatory properties and has been used s
uccessfully in the treatment of oral ulcers and wasting in HIV patients. Ho
wever, its use is limited by its poor bioavailability due to low solubility
and short half life in solution, and teratogenic and neurotoxic side-effec
ts. Recently, water-soluble analogues of thalidomide with significantly gre
ater immunomodulatory activity and reduced side-effects have become availab
le. We examined the effect of thalidomide and one analogue, CC-3052, on neu
trophil apoptosis following culture for 20 h in vitro. Apoptosis was assess
ed by reduced CD16 expression and Annexin V binding using flow cytometry. T
halidomide or CC-3052 alone had no effect on neutrophil apoptosis when used
at physiological levels. However, when used together with prostaglandin E-
2 (10(-7) m), a potent adenylate cyclase activator, CC-3052 but not thalido
mide (both 10(-5) m) reduced apoptosis in neutrophils from normal and HIVdonors. The reduced apoptosis could not be attributed to the ability of CC-
3052 to reduce tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production, but may
be due to its PDE4 inhibitor properties, as it increased [cAMP](i), and mi
micked the effect of increasing [cAMP](i) using dibutryl cAMP, a membrane-p
ermeable analogue of cAMP. The results suggest a role for thalidomide analo
gue CC-3052 in reducing persistent activation of the TNF-alpha system in HI
V without markedly impairing neutrophil viability.