An earliest preoccupation of man has been to find ways of partitioning infi
nite space into regions having a finite number of distinct shapes and yield
ing beautiful patterns called tiling. Archaeological edifices, everyday obj
ects of use like baskets, carpets, textiles, etc. and many biological syste
ms such as beehives, onion peels and spider webs also exhibit a variety of
tiling. Escher's classical paintings have not only given a new dimension to
the artistic value of tiling but also aroused the curiosity of mathematici
ans. The generation of aperiodic tiling with five-fold rotational symmetry
by Penrose in 1974 and the more recent production of decorated pentagonal t
iles by Rosemary Grazebrook have heightened the interest in the subject amo
ng artists, engineers, biologists, crystallographers and mathematicians(1-5
). In spite of its long history, the subject of tiling is still evolving. I
n this communication, we propose a novel algorithm for the growth of a Penr
ose tiling and relate it to the equally fascinating: subject of fractal geo
metry pioneered by Mandelbrot(6). The algorithm resembles those for generat
ion of fractal objects such as Koch's recursion curve, Peano curve, etc. an
d enables consideration of the tiling as cluster growth as well. Thus it cl
early demonstrates the dual nature of a Penrose tiling as a natural and a n
onrandom fractal.