Modern medicine has had a considerable impact on mortality rates for seriou
s illness. Many chronic diseases which have previously been associated with
an increased mortality now have survival rates approaching those of the ba
ckground population. However, chronic diseases such as cancer, chronic pain
syndromes, and chronic inflammatory conditions impose a considerable burde
n on families, the health care system, and society. Health related quality
of life (HRQOL) is a concept that has developed from the need to estimate t
he impact of such chronic diseases. HRQOL measurement is a conceptual frame
work which attempts to predict daily function and well being based on subje
ctive attitudes and experiences of physical, social, and emotional health.
It has been evaluated predominantly from the patient's viewpoint as proxy r
espondents appear to underestimate the full effect of chronic illness on fu
nctional status. Measuring HRQOL in clinical research is most frequently un
dertaken using multi-item questionnaires to estimate daily function. Factor
s which affect HRQOL can be broadly classed as disease related and disease
independent. The use of different assessment techniques permits comparisons
between and within disorders. Generic and disease specific instruments use
d together enhance the ability to direct treatment for individuals and pati
ent populations. Psychometrically sound questionnaires must be used. Howeve
r, the type of instrument and research methods adopted depend on the questi
on of interest. We have attempted to catalogue and critically assess the di
sease specific instruments used in the assessment of chronic gastrointestin
al disease.