The objective of this study was to measure the risk factors associated with
tobacco use among secondary school students in Henan, China. Self-reported
questionnaires were administered to four secondary schools; 3519 students
were studied including 1799 boys and 1720 girls aged 10-19, Demographic, be
havioral, attitudinal/belief, knowledge and interpersonal variables were in
vestigated. Overall, 15.1% of boys and 1.4% girls reported smoking at least
occasionally, Smoking onset is most prevalent from the ages of 10-14. The
smoking rate increased with age. The likelihood of tobacco use was signific
antly higher among those having peers, teachers or mother who smoked. Posit
ive smoking-related attitudes among students had a significant association
with their smoking status. The results suggest that effective smoking preve
ntion interventions need to be comprehensive and implemented in the early t
een years.