Although many geographical information systems (GISs) are very advanced in
data processing and display, current GIS are not capable of physically base
d modelling. Especially, simulating transport of water and pollutants throu
gh landscapes is a problem in a GIS environment. A number of specific routi
ng methods are needed in a GIS for hydrologic modelling, amongst these are
the numerical solutions of the Saint-Venant equations, such as the kinemati
c wave approximation for transport of surface water in a landscape. The PCR
aster Spatial Modelling language is a GIS capable of dynamic modelling. It
has been extended recently with a kinematic wave approximation simulation t
ool to allow for physically based water flow modelling. The LISFLOOD model
is an example of a physically based model written using the PCRaster GIS en
vironment. The LISFLOOD model simulates river discharge in a drainage basin
as a function of spatial data on topography, soils and land cover. Althoug
h hydrological modelling capabilities have largely increased, there is stil
l a need for development of other routing methods, such a diffusion wave. C
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