There is evidence that telomeres, the ends of chromosomes, serve as clocks
that pace cellular aging in vitro and in vivo. In industrialized nations, p
ulse pressure rises with age, and it might serve as a phenotype of biologic
al aging of the vasculature. We therefore conducted a twin study to investi
gate the relation between telomere length in white blood cells and pulse pr
essure while simultaneously assessing the role of genetic factors in determ
ining telomere length. We measured by Southern blot analysis the mean lengt
h of the terminal restriction fragments (TRF) in white blood cells of 49 tw
in pairs from the Danish Twin Register and assessed the relations of blood
pressure parameters with TRF. TRF length showed an inverse relation with pu
lse pressure. Both TRF length and pulse pressure were highly familial. We c
onclude that telomere length, which is under genetic control, might play a
role in mechanisms that regulate pulse pressure, including vascular aging.