The natural-step framework is used by over 100 organizations, including man
y global corporations in Europe and the United States, to provide strategic
direction for their sustainability initiatives. The framework is built on
the concept of simplicity without reduction. Out of respect for complexity,
we designed it to provide a compass, a guide for strategic direction. The
framework consists of a backcasting planning process for sustainable develo
pment based on four principles (system conditions) for sustainability. The
framework does not prescribe detailed actions. Once an organization underst
ands the framework, it identifies and specifies the detailed means by which
to achieve the strategy, because it knows its business best. The steps in
the planning process are understanding and discussing the system conditions
for sustainability, describing and discussing how the company relates to t
he system conditions in today's situation, creating a vision of how the com
pany will fulfill its customers' needs in the future while complying with t
he system conditions, and specifying a program of actions that will take th
e company from today's situation to the future vision.