We address the structure-from-motion problem in the context of head modelin
g from video sequences for which calibration data is not available. This ta
sk is made challenging by the fact that correspondences are difficult to es
tablish due to lack of texture and that a quasi-euclidean representation is
required for realism.
We have developed an approach based on regularized bundle-adjustment. It ta
kes advantage of our rough knowledge of the head's shape, in the form of a
generic face model. It allows us to recover relative head-motion and epipol
ar geometry accurately and consistently enough to exploit a previously-deve
loped stereo-based approach to head modeling. In this way, complete and rea
listic head models can be acquired with a cheap and entirely passive sensor
, such as an ordinary video camera, with minimal manual intervention.
We chose to demonstrate and evaluate our technique mainly in the context of
head-modeling. We do so because it is the application for which all the to
ols required to perform the complete reconstruction are available to us. We
will, however, argue that the approach is generic and could be applied to
other tasks, such as body modeling, for which generic facetized models exis