The limited resources in developing countries, combined with the inappropri
ate legacy of the colonial era, has meant that a large proportion of their
population has been deprived of even basic mental health services. In this
chapter we first review the major causes of mental disorder in the developi
ng world, and then the social and environmental factors associated with the
se disorders. The strategy initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO)
of mental health services based in primary care has been the major theme i
n the development of new services, with National Mental Health plans descri
bing how the specialized mental health services should be best organized in
each country. Having reviewed services in a variety of countries, we descr
ibe the four phases of the development of community mental health services
in Pakistan, as this is a country which the authors know best and has an ad
vanced service. We finish by describing the problems which are likely to ar
ise as progressively more people dr ift into the megacities of the future.