Little is known about the change of phenolic compounds and total phenolic c
ontent by the acetification process. The aim of this study was to assess th
e contents of selected phenolic compounds of cider and red and white wines
in comparison to phenolic profiles in corresponding vinegars by using a new
HPLC method for the simultaneous separation and quantification of polar ph
enolic acids and less polar flavonoids. Identifications were made by retent
ion times and by means of mass spectra. Additionally, total phenolic conten
ts of wines and vinegars were determined photometrically. The decrease in t
otal phenol content by the acetification process was highest for cider vine
gars (40%) and lower for red and white wine vinegars (13 and 8%, respective
ly). A decrease in the contents of individual phenolic compounds of vinegar
s from white white and ciders was not observed. In contrast, the contents o
f individual phenolic compounds in red wine vinegar decreased similar to 50