We studied the capacity of four "normal" and six lung transplant subjects t
o entrain neural respiratory activity to mechanical ventilation. Two transp
lant subjects were studied during wakefulness and demonstrated entrainment
indistinguishable from that of normal awake subjects. We studied four norma
l subjects and four lung transplant subjects during non-rapid eye movement
(NREM) sleep. Normal subjects entrained to mechanical ventilation over a ra
nge of ventilator frequencies that were within +/-3-5 breaths of the sponta
neous respiratory rate of each subject. After lung transplantation, during
which the vagi were cut, subjects did demonstrate entrainment during NREM s
leep; however, entrainment only occurred at ventilator frequencies at or ab
ove each subject's spontaneous respiratory rate, and entrainment was less e
ffective. We conclude that there is no absolute requirement for vagal feedb
ack to induce entrainment in subjects, which is in striking contrast to ane
sthetized animals in which vagotomy uniformly abolishes entrainment. On the
other hand, vagal feedback clearly enhances the fidelity of entrainment an
d extends the range of mechanical frequencies over which entrainment can oc