In previous papers, we characterised 3 types of 4-kDa, cysteine-rich, catio
nic antimicrobial peptides: MGDs (for Mytilus galloprovincialis defensins),
mytilins and myticins, which are abundant in the mussel hemocytes. In the
present work, me revealed a differential distribution of the cells expressi
ng the different genes. In addition, using confocal and electron microscopy
, we confirmed that defensins and mytilins were partially located in differ
ent sub-types of circulating hemocytes although the peptides can be located
in the same cell, and even in the same granule. We also demonstrated that
mytilins exert their microbicidal effect within the cells through the proce
ss of phagosome-mytilin granule fusion leading to the co-location of ingest
ed bacteria and mytilins.