Thermodynamic quantities of a polyelectroyte immersed in salt solution are
derived modeling the polyelectrolyte by a sequence of charged parallel flat
plates. The starting point for the analysis is the derivation of the Gibbs
free enthalpy in its canonic variables pressure (p) and temperature (T), i
.e., as a thermodynamic potential. From this, further thermodynamic quantit
ies such as Helmoltz free energy, entropy, internal energy, compressibility
, isobar and isochor heat capacities, and expansive force are derived in an
alytical expressions by differentiation. All these formulas contain the par
ameter plate surface charge density (sigma) that provides a measure of the
discontinuity of the polymer charge distribution that can be used to fit th
e theory to experimental data. Thermodynamic quantities are also known from
the classical Donnan equilibrium that treats the polyelectroyte charge net
work as a charge continuum. A limiting process is used to perform the trans
ition from the laminar Poisson-Boltzmann model to the continuous Donnan equ
ilibrium. In general, the expressions of the Donnan system are recovered fo
r plate charge density sigma --> 0, number of plates Z --> infinity, and si
gma Z = constant. (C) 2000 Academic Press.