We used a daily time step ecosystem model (DAYCENT) to simulate ecosystem p
rocesses at a daily, biweekly, monthly, and annual time step. The model eff
ectively represented variability of ecosystem processes at each of these ti
mescales. Evolution of CO2 and N2O, NPP, and net N mineralization were more
responsive to variation in precipitation than temperature, while a combine
d temperature-moisture decomposition factor (DEFAC) was a better predictor
than either component alone. Having established the efficacy of CENTURY at
representing ecosystem processes at multiple timescales, we used the model
to explore interannual variability over the period 1949-1996 using actual d
aily climate data. Precipitation was more variable than temperature over th
is period, and our most variable responses were in CO2 flux and NEP. Net ec
osystem production averaged 6 g C m(-2) yr and varied by 100% over the simu
lation period. We found no reliable predictors of NEP when compared directl
y, but when we considered NEP to be lagged by 1 year, predictive power impr
oved. It is clear from our study that NEP is highly variable and difficult
to predict. The emerging availability of system-level C balance data from a
network of flux towers will not only be an invaluable source of informatio
n for assessments of global carbon balance but also a rigorous test for eco
system models.