In type-II string theories, we examine intersecting brane constructions con
taining brane-antibrane pairs suspended between 5-branes, and more general
non-BPS constructions. The tree-level spectra are obtained in each case. We
identify various models with distinct physics: parallel brane-antibrane pa
irs, adjacent pairs, non-adjacent pairs, and configurations which break all
supersymmetry even though any pair of branes preserves some supersymmetry.
In each case we examine the possible decay modes. Some of these configurat
ions turn out to be tachyon-free, stable non-BPS states. We use T-duality t
o map some of our brane constructions to brane-antibrane pairs at ALE singu
larities. This enables us to explicitly derive the spectra by the analogue
of the quiver construction, and to compute the sign of the brane-antibrane
force in each case.