This paper investigates the predictability of divorce in a long-term, prosp
ective longitudinal study. Past research has indicated that 2 periods can b
e considered the most critical for the survival of marriages: (a) the first
7 years of marriage, during which half of all divorces are known to occur,
and (b) the period during which the first child reaches 14 years of age, w
hich has been suggested as a low point for marital satisfaction in the life
course. lit the present study, interaction variables at Time I (both durin
g conflict and in an events-of-the-day discussion following separation of t
he spouses for at least 8 hours) and noninteractive variables were used to
predict divorcing both early and later in the marriage. A different set of
variables predicted early divorcing than predicted later divorcing. Negativ
e affect during conflict predicted early divorcing, but it did not predict
Eater divorcing. By contrast, the lack of positive affect in events-of-the-
day and conflict discussions predicted later divorcing, but it did not pred
ict early divorcing. Prediction was possible over the Ii-year period of the
study with a model that included marital satisfaction, thoughts of marital
dissolution, and affective interaction in both conversations. The model pr
edicted divorce with 93% accuracy.