Telehealth represents a new approach to health-care with the potential for
improving accessibility and reducing costs. Over the years, technology has
become increasingly interactive, cheaper and standardized. Despite this, th
e uptake of technology has been low. One of the main reasons is that the in
troduction of telematics in health-care requires more than technology and s
oftware-organizational and cultural change is required as well. A suggested
approach is based on the principles of service quality and quality managem
ent, to produce a partnership between the users and the developers of new t
echnologies. This will in turn make it possible to bring user-validated req
uirements into the design of the system and create feelings of ownership an
d motivation on the part of users, in order to prepare their environment fo
r the change. The methodology has been effectively used in various projects
of the Telematics Application Programme of the European Commission.