The first telemedicine standard to be developed, documented and adopted wid
ely was the radiology standard, which includes technical and image transmis
sion standards as well as requirements and qualifications needed for telera
diology practice. But many other health professionals engaged either full t
ime or part time in telemedicine and telehealth - for example, telepsychiat
ry, telepathology, teletriage and tele-ophthalmology-also need and use spec
ial skills and knowledge. At present, they acquire these skills on the job
and their skills may not be recognized. There should be performance standar
ds and telepractice guidelines for professionals operating in the fields of
telemedicine and telehealth. Furthermore, there is a case for the developm
ent and implementation of education and training standards, enabling profes
sionals who practise in the field to obtain suitable skills, knowledge and
recognition for telepractice.