Backgrounds and Objectives: The aim of the study was to measure the spectra
l dependence of optical absorption and reduced scattering coefficients and
thermal conductivity and diffusivity of porcine nasal septal cartilage. Val
ues of optical and thermal properties determined in this study may aid in d
etermining laser dosimetry and allow selection of an optical source wavelen
gth for noninvasive diagnostics for laser-assisted reshaping of cartilage.
Materials and Methods: The diffuse reflectance and transmittance of ex vivo
porcine nasal septal cartilage were measured in the 400- to 1,400-nm spect
ral range by using a spectrophotometer. The reflectance and transmittance d
ata were analyzed by using an inverse adding-doubling algorithm to obtain t
he absorption (mu(a)) and reduced scattering (mu(a)') coefficients. A multi
channel thermal probe controller system and infrared imaging radiometer met
hods were applied to measure the thermal properties of cartilage. The multi
channel thermal probe controller system was used as an invasive technique t
o measure thermal conductivity and diffusivity of cartilage at three temper
atures (27, 37, 50 degrees C). An infrared imaging radiometer was used as a
noninvasive method to measure the thermal diffusivity of cartilage by usin
g a CO2 laser source (lambda = 10.6 mu m) and an infrared focal plane array
(IR-FPA) camera.
Results: The optical absorption peaks at 980 nm and 1,180 nm in cartilage w
ere observed and corresponded to known absorption bands of water. The deter
mined reduced scattering coefficient gradually decreased at longer waveleng
ths. The thermal conductivity values of cartilage measured by using an inva
sive probe at 27, 37, and 50 degrees C were 4.78, 5.18, and 5.76 mW/cm degr
ees C, respectively. The corresponding thermal diffusivity values were 1.28
, 1.31, and 1.40x 10(-3) cm(2)/sec. Because no statistically significant di
fference in thermal diffusivity values with increasing temperature is found
, the average thermal diffusivity is 1.32 x 10(-3) cm(2)/sec. The numerical
estimate for thermal diffusivity obtained from infrared radiometry measure
ments was 1.38 x 10(-3) cm(2)/sec.
Conclusion: Values of the spectral dependence of the optical absorption and
reduced scattering coefficients, and thermal conductivity and diffusivity
of cartilage were measured. The invasive and noninvasive diffusivity measur
ements were consistent and concluded that the infrared imaging radiometric
technique has an advantage to determine thermal properties, because damage
to the cartilage sample may be avoided. The measured values of absorption a
nd reduced scattering coefficients can be used for predicting the optical f
luence distribution in cartilage and determining optical source wavelengths
for the laser-assisted cartilage reshaping studies. The thermal conductivi
ty and diffusivity values can play role in understanding thermal-dependent
phenomenon in cartilage during laser irradiation and determining laser dosi
metry for the laser-assisted cartilage reshaping studies. Lasers Surg. Med.
27:119-128, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.