Geostatistical analysis of spatial random functions frequently uses sample
variograms computed from increments of samples of a regionalized random var
iable. This paper addresses the theory of computing variograms not from inc
rements but from spatial variances. The objective is to extract information
about the pont support space from the average or larger support data. The
variance is understood as a parametric and second moment average feature of
a population. However, it is well known that when the population is for a
stationary random function, spatial variance within a region is a function
of the size and geometry of the region and not a function of location. Spat
ial variance is conceptualized as an estimation variance between two physic
al regions or a region and itself. If such a spatial variance could be meas
ured within several sizes of windows, such variances allow the computation
of the sample variogram. The approach is extended to covariances between at
tributes that lead to the cross-variogram. The case of nonpoint sample supp
ort of the blocks or elements composing each window is also included. A num
erical example illustrates the application of this conceptualization.